Before you click on this link, be warned that the guy is annoying and the video is looooong. Ignore him and listen to the knitting part (first few minutes).
Many of you have been asking about my flight attendant friend, Marci. She has been doing well at Drake Rehab. The updates have been fairly vague, but I understand that she is eating on her own, walking with some assistance and making phone calls. She may be able to return home in the next few weeks. Amen! Rumor has it that she will be taking her first outing since the accident. She wants to go to Skyline Chili--I think she's baaaaack! Thank you for your kind thoughts and concern and continue praying for a full recovery.
Because of Father's Day, there was no competitive adult kickball this week, so Janet, Sarah and I ventured out of the 41017 and saw UP after we closed the shop yesterday. Janet's movie preference usually runs toward animated mice, Sarah and I like movies that show only at the Esquire--but we all agreed that UP was fabulous! A must see for ALL ages!
I kinda feel like I'm juggling a gazillion balls in the air right now. We're working on Fall/Winter buying, Knitting Boot Camp, Christmas in July, Fun Run/Walks, the daily routines of the shop/Comair/home, flying four days a week, blogging and knitting. "Busy, busy..Touch Trolley..Touch Galley..Get Nothing Done!"
Today, we see yet another yarn rep. He (John? or Tom?) looks like the kind of guy who has never set foot in a yarn shop. He ain't no Kosher Cowboy! I'll take two aspirin and make my way over to the shop for another day of head spinning buying. Then, I'll do laundry and pack my bags for tommorrow's trip.
Someone please remind me to pick up my uniforms at the dry cleaners!
Now for the random thoughts:
Knitting Boot Camp-lot's of interest in this gem! We're thinking to start in September, evening and weekend sessions. Any thoughts? Post comments.
Christmas in July-Get a jump start on your Christmas gift knitting! Two programs. First, "The 12 Gifts of Christmas"-shop favorite projects to make, embellish and finish by Christmas. Kind of like Craft Camp for Grownups. Saturday workshops with different staff knitters. Second, "One Skein Wonders with Elizabeth"-using the 101 One Skein Wonders and One Skein books, each project you complete (with Knitwits yarn) will be rewarded with a Yarn card stamp! Memberships not required.
Scarf It Up Fun Run/Walk-Team Knitwits! Join the gang as a participant or volunteer in this benefit for Scarf It Up for those in Need! Details at shop, fun and free t-shirt guarenteed!
New Stuff-Our TNNA finds are arriving in drips and drabs. New yarns, notions, books, kits and felted rocks! Stay tuned-it's worth the wait!
4Th of July Holiday Hours- shop closed July 3rd-6th.
Questions? Comments? Feel free to post!
I know that it is hotter than Hades out there, but knitting is an all-year round, indoor/outdoor sport. Grab your yarn, needles, head for the movies, pool, beach, ballgame or Knitwits (fans have been found) and Get Your Knit On--or grab a glass of your favorite wine and work on a mindless project (not lace).
I would LOVE a knitting boot camp! My schedule at Citi changed in March to Sunday-Thursday (mostly night shift), so I'd be interested in seeing what the boot camp class times would be.