Inspiration can come from just about anywhere.
I recently visited a customer/friend's home. I knew she had great taste and was multi-talented but her home totally blew me away. She has a great condo with amazing views but it was her artwork displayed everywhere that made her home so much more personalized!
Her mosaics, sculptures, paintings, beaded arrangements, needlepoint, sewing and knitting were incorporated into each and every room. When I left, I wanted to throw away everything I own, move and start over. She has inspired me to think bigger about how knitting fits into my life.
While I am limited to knitting in my artistic endeavors, I would like to incorporate knitted items into my living space. I envision knitted chair cushions (Weekend Knitting-Melanie Falick Pattern), a knitted Noro Log Cabin Wallhanging, and crocheted placemats like Sue's. Would a knitted lampshade be too much?
I needed to remember two things- first, there is a difference between handmade and homemade and second, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Find your dream project and if you want it bad enough, you can knit it! In the meantime, keep your eyes open for your inspiration. It may be a yarn, a pattern or something you saw in a store or magazine.
You guys inspire me everyday to be a better knitter!
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