My weekend ends tonight. Tomorrow, I head out on a four day trip. The preparations begin the night before with laundry, bill paying, cleaning and packing. The packing causes me the greatest grief-what yarn, needles and patterns do I want to take? There are some things that you just can't taking-intarsia is too much of a tangled mess, lace or detailed chart reading-too hard to put down mid-row when the flight attendant call button rings. That leaves me with my Yukon socks or the Mystery baby blanket.
This weekend was a little slow sales wise, but very productive for planning, catching up on paperwork and reorganizing the shop. The new bookcase is up and stocked. Love It! But, you move one thing and the next thing you know, your moving the whole store around. Thanks to Sue and her diligence, we reshelved, rearranged and decluttered.
The Sunday Gang kept me company and visits from Sue and Sheryl really lifted my spirits. I wasn't feeling great, missed Janet and had a case of the guilts for not being with my mother. Sue shared poppies from her garden, we called them "mommies" for Mother's Day. Nancy Booth brought the yummiest Truffles. Sheryl and her husband introduced me to my new Godcat. That's right, I'm the godmother to her new grey kitten (yet to be named).
Nancy Booth's Noro Furisode Vest is turning out to be a showstopper. Who knew you could knit lace with chunky yarn? Speaking of lace-we think it will be the next big thing. Look forward to a Lace-A-Long in the near future.
Random acts of kindness abound at Knitwits and I experienced so many such gestures this week. Thank you all!
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